Pushing Past The Comfort Zone
This week I put Number 3 on a plane to study abroad for the summer. Are you thinking England or Spain, some place not that much...
Getting Away
Almost 2 weeks ago already, Kori and I got away for the weekend. With 4 kids at home, it was hard to find time for ourselves and we...
Snow Day Memories
On Wednesday of this week, our school district called off school for incredibly low wind chill factors. I totally get is as I wouldn’t my...
Breaking Bottles, Japanese Noodles and Making Memories
Earlier this week my wife planned a big networking dinner for many of her professional female friends. For a week before she told all of...
The Dongle, the Welcome Mat and the Planner’s Lament
Earlier this week, as we dropped Number 3 at college, there was a moment when the best planner in me, met the best taskmaster in my...
Top 10 Tips: Stay at Home Dad Wisdom
I am getting old. Number 1 is graduating from college next month and then a week later, Number 3 is graduating from high school. That...
Healthy Parenting Advice from Dad: Find Something You Love
It is officially February in Nebraska. What does that mean? Yes, six more weeks of winter, which, sucks and makes me not want to live...
Problem Solving: The Challenge of Getting Below the Surface
In doing some research for a project, I recently came across a term that intrigued me; a “wicked problem” is a social or culture problem...
When Dad Does Know Best and Mom Learns New Way
After all these years, and now that the kids are teens to young adults, I have to admit that my husband, the two-decade full time dad of...
I Have to Check in Before I Can Check Out
Having high school kids at home has its advantages. No longer is there a bedtime routine or long, chapter books to read so the kids go...