Overcoming Obstacles, Rejection Recovery and Living and Learning Through it All
There is just no way to sugarcoat this one. It stinks. Any time your child goes through rejection, disappointment or coming in forth...
Working Mom’s View of Women’s History Month
March is Women’s History Month, a celebration encouraging the study and honoring the role of women in American history. The 2018 theme by...
Mama Bear Cares for Her Heirs
My wife is very good at holding up the mirror to me and sometimes I don’t really like the result. I don’t mean the mirror we all use to...
Canines Choose Compassion: Can I?
Tomorrow, Feb. 17, is Random Acts of Kindness Day, a day to do something nice for someone else. As a parent, I am reminded of the time I...
Problem Solving: The Challenge of Getting Below the Surface
In doing some research for a project, I recently came across a term that intrigued me; a “wicked problem” is a social or culture problem...
A rough-start tradition that turned into a priceless gift
In the ZagZig that is life raising teenagers and young adults – part of a species whose brains haven’t fully developed yet according to...
Find My iPhone: Less About Helicopter, More About Heart
As the kids reach the late-teen to early-adult years, the parent-child relationship goes through a renegotiation phase. While the...
Simplify: Start the New Year with a Resolve to Ask and Enjoy
We are finally returning to our everyday ZagZig life after zigzagging through the holidays. Two of the kids have returned to their lives...
We Have a Toddler in the House!
We have a toddler in the house again and it just reminds me that it takes a lot of energy to constantly monitor the movement of an active...
I Love Drama
On Tuesday night, Number 2 came home! It has been nine months since she was last home, but I say it has been a year because she was only...