Top 10 Tips: Stay at Home Dad Wisdom
I am getting old. Number 1 is graduating from college next month and then a week later, Number 3 is graduating from high school. That...
Mama Bear Cares for Her Heirs
My wife is very good at holding up the mirror to me and sometimes I don’t really like the result. I don’t mean the mirror we all use to...
Find My iPhone: Less About Helicopter, More About Heart
As the kids reach the late-teen to early-adult years, the parent-child relationship goes through a renegotiation phase. While the...
When Dad Does Know Best and Mom Learns New Way
After all these years, and now that the kids are teens to young adults, I have to admit that my husband, the two-decade full time dad of...
Reflections From a Trailblazer
It had been years since attending the annual Stay-at-Home Dad Convention, now called HomeDadCon (but I can honestly say it didn’t take me...
Back To My Roots
In a couple of weeks I will attend the stay-at-home dad convention in Portland – HomeDadCon 2017! This is not the first convention that...
What’s Your (Parenting) Line Anyway?
Some of the best parenting advice I got in the past few weeks came from my friend who is an accomplished professional, successful...
What’s on Mom and Dad’s Back-To-School Supplies List?
Ah, back to school…new notebooks, brand new shoes the kids have saved for the first day of class, the perfect first-day-of-school outfit...
Escaping Ego and Enjoying Epitaphs
Lately, we have been invited to participate in some great podcasts after the release of our book, ZagZig Parenting. It has been...
Pulling Weeds from the Landscaping Bed and From the Marriage Bed
As we pulled into the driveway from a weeklong vacation, I immediately went back in time and experienced the pre-vacation regret. You...