Push-Pull, Parenting Perils of Raising Young Adults and a Shamrock Shake
Even though today is St. Patrick’s Day, the day of good luck, I am not feeling it. My adult child recently uttered the phase that made me...
Dust, Sneeze and Say Cheese Moments that Arose from the Basement
Cleaning the basement storage after more than a decade of accumulation of stuff, I felt like an archeologist excavating through the...
The Modern Dad’s Cleanse: Basement Storage, Baby Dolls and Tea Cups
We guys just need to have our own space. I’m not talking about alone time here, but that is important too. I am talking about our own...
The Science of Marriage: The kid effect, divorce proofing and eyes half shut
With a gallon of milk and loaf of bread in hand, I spotted it out of the corner of my eye. The next thing I knew, Time magazine’s...
Sinek says “Failed Parenting Strategies” to blame
A mom of four teens and young adults, Kori shares her take on Simon Sinek's talk on Millennials and the concept of "failed parentin
Drive Progress: The Super Bowl ad that made me think about equity and sidelines
Equal Pay for Equal Work…never thought that would come up as a commercial during the Super Bowl. I wasn’t anticipating having to think...
Compartmentalization -- A Bust!
This week, Elizabeth McCord, main character from the television series Madam Secretary, expressed out loud what I was feeling inside. “It...
Pre-ZagZig Parenting: This is us
The 2016 holiday movie La La Land has received numerous awards and accolades this season; the movie’s end is a happy or sad—depending on...